There are two British Standards that cover insulated products
BS 8020:2011 and BS 60900:2004
“insulated hand tools for work on or near conductor rail systems operating at voltages up to 1000v a.c. or 1500 V d.c”.
Tools such as shovels, spades, sledgehammers, crowbars and rail specific tools are covered by this standard.
Jafco products that are BS 8020:2011 compliant are identified and tested in the following manner :
The mechanical specifications of insulated tools shall conform to the relevant requirements of the appropriate
British Standard for an uninsulated tool.
BS 60900:2004
"hand tools for use up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V a.c”.
Tools such as screwdrivers,screwdriver bits and pliers are covered by this standard.
Legibly and permanently marked with the following :
- Manufacturer’s name or trade mark or other identification
- Unique batch number
- Year of manufacture
- Double triangle symbol with working voltage
- BS Number of the relevant standard
Key Features
- Tested to 10000V a.c.
- Pre-conditioned tool type test
- Pre-conditioned material type test
- Routine test of all finished tools
Conformance with relevant :
- British Standards for tools
- Rail industry specifications
- Additional strength and deflection requirements
- All materials marked 1000V
- Unique marking for full traceability